While researching the descendants of Gabriel Pickens Phillips
and Nancy Lenora Foote Phillips for a family history to be
published in 1993, Jimmy Moomaw, Route 9 Box 647, Stoney
Point Road, Florence, Alabama 35633 located the Nancy Crowder
Foote BIBLE at a cousin's in Indiana. The cousin, Ruby Jean
Phillips Tucker, 1411 Arles Drive, Noblesville, Indiana
46060, has allowed this correspondent to borrow the BIBLE in
an effort to preserve for future generations the BIBLE and
the information it contains.
Published in 1848 by Jesper Harding, No. 57 South Third
Street, Philadelphia, the leather-bound BIBLE is in generally
poor condition, needing professional restoration.
In 1844, Gilson Foote and Nancy Crowder Foote moved their
family from Lancaster County, South Carolina to Giles County,
Tennessee. After Gilson's death in 1845, Nancy Crowder Foote
purchased land in Tishomingo County, Mississippi. The Foote
family history is recorded in CHOTANKERS:A FAMILY HISTORY
The BIBLE passed from Nancy Crowder Foote to her youngest
child, Nancy Lenora Foote Phillips. She in turn left it to
her daughter, Bertie J. Phillips, who had married Charlie
Fields. It remained in Bertie's immediate family until her
nephew, Lawrence Pickens Phillips, the father of Mrs.
Tucker, asked for the BIBLE to prove his date-of-birth.
[These are relatives of Sam Phillips, founder of Sun Records,
Memphis. Jimmy Moomaw organized the Phillips' family reunion
that for several years has been held near Cloverdale, northwest
of Florence, and Sam Phillips attended at least one reunion.
But, Lee Freeman, Florence Lauderdale Public Library, believes
this was a mistake. Did someone mix descendants of two men almost
the very same age in Lauderdale County named "Charles T. Phillips"?
Lawrence P. Phillips, listed below with 1904 birthday, claimed
to be the son of Charles T. Phillips. That would make him a
brother of Sam Phillips if Freeman is wrong.
Mozelle Phillips Leach participated in several Philips/Phillips
reunions hosted annually by Moomaw. She gets my admiration
for her 1977/78 research on the Philips/Phillips family.
At that time she lived at 416 Louisville, #41, Starkville,
Mississippi 39759. In the mid 1970s, my Aunt Una Grisham
Gray told me that she had heard that a Phillips Bible had
Foote/Foot names in it. I contacted Phillips descendants
in Oklahoma, who told me that the Bible, that I was
seeking, had been stored in a "bank vault" in Atoka,
Oklahoma for many years. When Moomaw was establishing the
reunion in Cloverdale, he acquired copies of these Bible
entries and called my Uncle William Dean Foote, my father's
youngest brother who asked Moomaw to call me. In 2009,
the Nancy Crowder Foote/Foot Bible has been returned to the
Tishomingo County, Mississippi/Lauderdale County, Alabama
area and entrusted to Jimmy Moomaw's curatorship. Since
moving to Muscle Shoals, Moomaw lives only a few blocks
from my Uncle William Dean Foote's home -- AEF]
All of the entries have been carefully checked and
transcribed to assure accuracy and to correct previous mis-
Gilson Foote was born April the 1st A.D. 1802
Nancy Foote was born July the 4th A.D. 1805
William Foote was born May 20th A.D. 1828
Charlotte R. Foote was [born] January 17th A.D. 1830
Thomas M. Foote was born Jan the 4th A.D. 1832
Henry C. Foote was born January 1st A.D. 1834
Mary T. Foote was born Sept. the 4th A.D. 1836
James H. Foote was born February the 17th A.D. 1839
Thomas E. Foote was born April the 19th A.D. 1842
Nancy L. Foote was born Feb. the 14th A.D. 1846
John R. Philips was born August the 19th 1868
William D. Philips was born June the 30th 1870
Mary D. Philips was born Feb. the 23rd 1873
Margaret A. Philips was born the 20th day of December 1874
Charles T. Philips was born August the 11th day 1876
B. M. Philips was born June the 20th day 1881
Noole Philips was born January the 27th day 1884
B. J. Philips was born August the 2 day 1886
Lawrence P. Philips was born June 25th in the year 1904
Batlas Philips was born December the 18 day in the year of
Cary McMeans was born 1899 Oct. the 4
Lucy McMeans was born 1902 Oct. the 25
W.P. Fields was born August the 27 - 1912
S.V. Fields was born December the 31 - 1914
G. L. Fields was born May the 20 - 1917
Born April the 11 1880 Charlie Fields
M. E. Fields was born Feb. 20 - 1925
Married October the 29 1911 Charlie Fields and Bertie
Gilson Died December the 23rd A.D. (This incomplete record is
repeated as the next entry.)
Gilson Foote Died Dec. the 23rd A.D. 1845
Thomas M. Foote died Nov. the 11 A.D. 1832 (This record is
transcribed correctly; an error was made in previously-
published BIBLE transcript in NATCHEZ TRACE TRAVELER.)
Mary T. Foote Died September the 24th A.D. 1856
N. L. Philips Departed this life Sept. the 1 - 1889
M.A. Philips Departed this life May the 18th - 1891
Batlas Philips Departed this life September the 4th - 1906
Mollie Phillips Departed this Life April the 18th - 1907
Lottie Bingham Departed this life August the 2 - 1908
Died Jan. 8 - 1913 [Gabriel] Pickens Phillips Grandpaw
Lawrence Pickens Phillips
born = June 25 - 1904
died = Dec. 19 - 1992
(A note in the Bible follows this entry which identifies the
mother of Lawrence Pickens Phillips as Mollie Tacker
Phillips, listed earlier, who died in 1907. He is the son of
Charles T. [Charlie] Philips.)
Killed in action on the battlefield, July 4, 1943
George Lee Fields
by Avon Edward Foote
222 Shirley Drive
Florence, Al. 35633
Published with additional material from the editor, Darrell A. Russel,
in the NATCHEZ TRACE TRAVELER, the Natchez Trace Genealogical Society,
P. O. Box 420, Florence, AL 35631-0420. August 1994, pp. 102-104.
Libraries with CHOTANKERS: A Family History such as Rogersville Public Library, Florence-Lauderdale Public Library and University of North Alabama, Florence
To author's bio
Foote/Foot note of 27 October 2007 from Avon Edward Foote (among family and friends known as "Eddie", born Burnsville, Mississippi, 1937): Leafy Grisham Broughton, my maternal grandmother who was also a Foote descendant, remembered Annie Leonora Phillips, her cousin, when I questioned her in the 1970s about Great Aunt Nancy Leonora Foote Phillips. Annie Leonora was a granddaughter of Gabriel Pickens Phillips and Nancy Leonora Foote Phillips, listed in the Bible as N. L. Philips, when she died in 1889. The William D. Phillips (born 1870), also listed in these Bible records, was Annie Leonora's father. At first I misunderstood grandmother, because I thought she was saying that she remembered her Aunt Leonora, who had died before my grandmother's birth. However, since that was impossible, careful reexamination revealed my mistake in hearing her response. She did not say "Aunt Leonora", but instead, she really had said "Annie Leonora". My grandmother remembered visits to her father's home by his Phillips relatives from Lauderdale County, Alabama.
She stood by this belief in later discussions. She was right. However, copy for footnote 721 on page 267 of Chotankers had already been written. The footnote has this incorrect sentence: "Leafy Grisham Broughton, granddaughter of Charlotte Foote, remembers her Aunt Lenora Phillips." Because the Bible only refers to Nancy Leonora as N. L. or Nancy L., I still cannot confirm -- after 25 years -- whether the Chotankers book use of "Lenora" or my current web use of "Leonora" for this new Foote/Foot note is the best spelling.
Mawmaw Broughton --as she was known to our children, Anthony, Kevin, and Chele  |
The Foote/Foots Visiting Buckinghamshire in England | -- had a very clear recollection of the man the whole family knew as "Uncle Pickens". When Mawmaw was confronted with a surprising event or revelation from family members or friends, she had a favorite exclamation. She would look you in the eye and say with carefully-crafted, vocal emphasis and volume, Land o' Goshen. Dr. Dottie -- mother of Anthony, Kevin, and Chele -- believes Mawmaw said "Land o' Goshen" in the same way that she had heard her mother, Lou McDougal Grisham, pronounce "Atlantic Ocean".
Foote/Foot note added 4 June 2008. Sam's legal name is used on his marker at the new River Heritage Park and Trail at the Marriott Hotel and Spa at Wilson Dam in Lauderdale/Colbert Counties. His full name is "Samuel Cornelius Phillips". The surname was spelled for generations as "Philips" before the 20th Century change to Phillips. Near the Sam Phillips marker there is a tribute to T. S. Stribling, who is a Foote/Foot relative by way of the Kincheloes. Niki Foote made a presentation in March 2006 during the George Lindsey UNA Film Festival where she explained that Stribling's book, Birthright, had been turned into a silent movie in Roanoke, Virginia. Unfortunately, the new 2008 marker inscription near the North Alabama Marriott in Florence states incorrectly that the Birthright movie was made in Hollywood. The inscription has been attributed to the University of North Alabama and Heritage Preservation, Inc., co-sponsors of the 2004 T.S. Stribling birthday celebration.
Latest Foote/Foot note from Dr. Avon Edward Foote. I have been contacted recently by a researcher with Italy email address. He wrote that he is assisting an important Vanderbilt University author prepare a new book of stories about Elvis and Sam Phillips. I identified two on-line articles in my reply that may interest newer readers of this page, too. The pages are and
State of Mississippi map for Burnsville shows locations of Little Yellow Creek, Burnsville Cemetery Road, and Foote Street near old downtown. On the map, Cross Avenue terminates at the Burnsville Cemetery entrance, about 50 feet from several Foote/Foot family graves of later generations.

2010 Billboard for Memphis Elvis Promotion up close to Little Yellow Creek on US 72 in Burnsville, Mississippi, Tishomingo County
Quinton Claunch, born Tishomingo, Mississippi, has record-producing story that tells the identity of artist's contract buyer. Claunch says he sold music rights in Nashville on Jerry Lee Lewis's cousin. Find Out: Who bought the recording contract from Claunch?
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Reviewed . Revised . Refreshed 14 May 2012 Our 17th Year