University of North Alabama

College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Communication and Theatre

Course Syllabus

Communication 317:

Credit Hours:

Course Description:


Class Schedule:




Teaching Methods:

Student Grades:

Important Dates:

Reading Assignments by Lesson Topics:

Multimedia and Internet Authoring

3 semester hours

An introductory course in the process of creating and distributing Multimedia productions and internet web pages. Prerequisite: COM 240, or 241, 242. Or departmental approval.

Spring 2004

MWF, 9:00 -- 9:50 pm

Avon Edward Foote, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Room 108

Office: (256) 765-4489
FAX: (256) 765-4839

Office Hours: M, 10-2; TU, 12:30-1:30; W, 10-12; TH, 12:30-3:30. And by appointment when necessary.

Vaughan, Tay, Multimedia: Making it Work, 5th edition  Osborne, 2001.

Committee on Broadband Last Mile Technology, Broadband: Bringing Home the Bits, National Academy Press, 2002. This book is available free on the web. Please use the free electronic edition.

The student is expected to complete the following objectives:
  • Identify types of multimedia messages and design/planning considerations associated with each.
  • Understand the steps in the authoring process for broadband and CD-ROM/DVD systems.
  • Become skilled in basic HTML coding.
  • Be able to design and select basic images for multimedia.
  • Select and evaluate authoring and related software programs from Microsoft, Macromedia and Sun JAVA.
  • Participate in the planning, execution and testing of multimedia utilizing HTML and streaming audio/video on a combination of CD-ROM or DVD and WEB distribution.

  • Assigned readings in regular textbook and second online textbook, lectures, virtual attendance at on-line broadband event if available, guest speakers, class discussion, major multimedia project, and festival attendance.

    The following are methods by which the course objectives will be evaluated:
    Three exams will count 20% each. 25% of grade will come from multimedia project. Class participation will count 10%. Attendance at festival will count 5%.

    A=90-100, B=80-89, C=70-79, D=60-69, F=<60

    Attendance: Required by University policy. After four weeks of absences your grade will be become an "F" as announced in University literature. Grade may be lowered for excessive absences over five. Because of the importance of being on-time and meeting deadlines, tardiness will be noted on the roll and may affect the grade if it becomes a problem.

    January 19 --- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
    February 20 to 22 --- University closed for Winter break
    March 5 --- Middle of term
    March 5 --- Last day to apply for 2004 Fall graduation
    March 22 to 28 --- Spring Holidays
    April 9 --- University closed
    May 6 --- Study Day
    May 7 to 13 --- Semester Exams

    The Nature of Multimedia, Chapters 3 and 13

    Servers, Browers, Plug-ins, and Authoring Software,
    Chapters 7 &14

    Designing and Producing, Chapter 17. Test 1 on March 3.

    Getting Multimedia to the Target Audience, Chapter 19

    In the Beginning there were Text and Images, Chapter 15

    To Make or Elsewhere Acquire, Chapter 18

    Delivering Broadband Sound and Moving Images,
    Chapters 9 and 12. Test 2 on April 14.

    Other Broadband Issues, Reading from on-line textbook

    Students will be assigned to one of two teams to work on one major multimedia project for the semester. Students will be asked to choose a writing, design, or production/technical task assignment. By midterm, Professor Foote will select one student from each group for the job of producer. The producer will take on the primary leadership role in the group. All projects will consist of images and text by midterm and broadband audio/video will be added to the project by the end of the semester. Each group will decide the nature of the project during the first three weeks and report that decision to the professor before starting the project execution.

    University of North Alabama Policy regarding student disabilities is on separate web page. 15 January 2004