John Lynch, director of the Television News Archives at Vanderbilt University, has considered the significance of this collection. In a recent Nashville interview with the webmaster, he conceded that this Gulf War archive is the major international, unedited collection of Persian Gulf War television coverage available for academic study, and he agrees that Vernon Stone, Radio Television News Directors' Association researcher and scholar is right -- that the collection is the largest known, academic archive of its kind. In fact, in 1997, Professor Stone knew of no other collection of unedited Gulf War video in an academic archive, but he pointed out that several archives existed for the Vietnam War. For off-air, news packages, the Vanderbilt archive is the most comprehensive containing 2,000 hours of Persian Gulf War footage on 3/4 inch, U-MATIC videotape from ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN. This webmaster is a former assistant to Professor Stone in the University of Georgia journalism graduate program and editor of CBS and Congress: "The Selling of the Pentagon" Papers, which considers the issues of Freedom of the Press that were raised in the 1971 attempt to cite CBS President Frank Stanton for contempt of Congress. Since this site started under the auspices of the BBC Networking Club on the Pipex WorldServer in England, we must tell you that an American BBC site, maintained with PBS, provides ready-now, similar pages.
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Revised October 16, 1999. Checked November 2, 2002 and rechecked October 2, 2003.