From: "Simon Cooke (Exchange)"To: "''" Subject: RE: Code Sample?? Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 13:02:06 -0800 Simon, Sorry, for the delay with a reply. I have been waiting to see if any of the readers of your comments could find flaws in your recommendations. No one else has. --- Hey, no problem :) --- However, I do. If Toolkit should not work, why does it run fine in IE 5.0 beta? You already know that Netscape 3.0 forward handles the MyCHOFlow code. And if you go to, you will find an implementation of Toolkit which WILL load an image in a separate applet frame, running under IE 4.0. Look for the lion in the upper-right corner after clicking on JAVA-Powered link. --- I've just had a look at that file, and have decompiled it with mocha, and have run a windiff. Let's take a look at this: BTW: Lines starting with !! come from tUnaLeo, lines starting with a !> come from MyChoFrame; lines with no markers indicate common lines in both files. import java.awt.*; import; import; import; !! synchronized class tUnaLeo extends Frame !> synchronized class MyCHOFrame extends Frame { !! static Image deptimage; !> static Image meltimage; static String where; static URL url; !! Insets insets; !! tUnaLeo(String string) !> MyCHOFrame(String string) { super(string); !! addNotify(); !! insets = getInsets(); !! setSize(insets.left + insets.right + 204, + insets.bottom + 95); !! setBackground(Color.white); !> setBackground(; pack(); } !> public Insets insets() !> { !> return new Insets(0, 20, 0, 20); !> } !> !> public void update(Graphics g) !> { !> paint(g); !> } !> public void paint(Graphics g) { !! g.drawImage(deptimage, insets.left,, 204, 95, this); !> g.drawImage(meltimage, 0, 20, 450, 210, this); } public synchronized boolean handleEvent(Event event) { if ( != 201) return super.handleEvent(event); hide(); return true; } static { !! where = ""; !> where = ""; try { url = new URL(where); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { System.out.println(new StringBuffer("Bad URL:").append(where).toString()); } !! deptimage = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(url); !> meltimage = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(url); } } Now, the only important thing that you different between the two is to manually call addNotify in the one that works. You're also scaling the image in MyChoFrame - its dimensions aren't what you're passing into the drawImage code; which should work, but may be a bug in the IE4.0 scaling code. Insets shouldn't make any difference, however in MyChoFrame, you're ignoring the default insets (which are important); what you should be doing is something like this: public Insets insets() { Insets i = super.insets(); return new Insets(,i.left+20,i.bottom,i.right+20); } (or whatever the order is). The Update() code calling Paint() is perfectly fine too. So the only difference between MyChoFrame and tUnaLeo that is of any particular interest is the addNotify and Scaling. I'd try the scaling first; make sure that the image dimensions you're passing in are correct - or recalc them from the downloaded version. The real mojo part of what you're doing is addNotify(). 99% of all layout problems in AWT (and that includes compatibility issues between browsers) can be fixed with judicious use of addNotify (whether overriding it, or by calling it). However, its use is explicitly discouraged by Sun in the 1.1 docs, IIRC. BTW: Do you have the latest Microsoft JVM? If you could download this from and try MyChoFrame with IE4.0 again, I'd appreciate it. My personal guess is that either adding addNotify to your MyChoFrame code will fix it, or making sure the image dimensions match the display dimensions correctly will. If it's the former, then there's nothing much you can do, other than remember that trick for your toolbox; one thing it *DOES* do (IIRC), is to sync everything up and create the peers for everything. So that may solve a lot of your problems. If it's the latter, then I'll file a bug with the JVM team for you :) If it's something else though... we've still got some exploring ahead of us. --- David Flanagan (O'Reilly, 1997) may not be saying what you and I have interpreted him to say. Should we ask Flanagan? --- Nah... to be honest, I was kind of surprised to find the Toolkit stuff marked as "don't use" myself; but I would recommend that you don't put UI code or Toolkit access code inside static initialisers; you should always ensure that you have a peer available when you're trying to do AWT work. Also, IIRC, AWT isn't all that modeless; so changes you try to make before the peer is created get lost sometimes. When you think about it, using a static initialiser, loading the applet is going to bring the class in and immediately construct it by calling the static initialiser; it's going to be called possibly *before* the applet is initialised, or even before any kind of peer creation occurs. Anyway, the static stuff is my own personal rule of thumb; with these kinds of interactions possible, I'd be careful about using a static constructor for any kind of graphics work. --- [snip] Were you a member of BBCNC and/or on staff at PIPEX? The BBC should have kept the organization as an international focus for BBC fans. But then, the BBC is changing very rapidly. I am looking forward to enjoying BBC America as soon as I get my Dish TV/PC installed. --- Actually, I was a member of the BBCNC; I wasn't working there, I just heard about it from the BBC and signed up for an account! It was great fun... and I've still got the modem I won :) As for BBC America... when they stop re-showing one episode of a Tom Baker story over and over again, I'll think about getting it :) Have you tried btw? --- Have read the post to advocacy newsgroup. Your advice and interest is terrific. Thank you for taking part. Let's just forget the JVM guys. I will be putting a version of this on newsgroup thread. --- Thanks *blush*. Cool - though if we narrow this down, I'm going to fire them a bug report. It may have been a minor glitch that got fixed when the latest version of the Microsoft JVM was released :) Simon (Not speaking officially for Microsoft - I work there, but they might not share my views. Mind you, *I* might not even share my views sometimes :) )
The following is a newsgroup exchange ( with Simon's posting coming on 9 February 1999
In article (Chotank) wrote:
>Simon says:
>"Don't use Toolkit . . . ."
>Avon says:
>"Simon works for Microsoft; therefore, he should know."
As I've said before . . . I'm just trying to help out, because I hate bugs : )
I'm not on the JVM team; I write UI controls for Visual Studio. So I don't have any special knowledge about this; I don't get to see the source for the MS JVM, I don't get to look at the source for the libraries; I go off the same documentation you do.
(Things are locked down pretty tight around the JVM team because of the lawsuit)
However, I do pass bug reports on to the JVM team when I can.
Simon (Not speaking officially for Microsoft)
--------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network==-----------
February 22, 1999
Copyright (c) 1999, Avon Edward Foote, All Rights Reserved