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"Oh let me take you by the hand,
and lead you through the streets of London.
I will show you something to make you
change your mind."

e-mail that was sent to chotank@aol.com in 1999, including Important Family Documents
Reply-To: jgetting@ix.netcom.com
From: "Carolyn M. Getting" jgetting@ix.netcom.com
To: chotank@aol.com
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 11:33:44 -0500
Message-ID: 000201be8e70$382ce420$21215dcf@jgetting.ix.netcom.com
I have seen your postings asking for additional info on the Foote family for
a new book. I have been trying to figure out where to look to establish the
identity of Elizabeth ??? wife of Richard Foote immigrant, and have decided
that since there are records of probate and land records on the Foote
portion of the Lands owned with the Brents, etc, that perhaps this would be
the place to start. You probably are aware that a copy of the Richard
Foote, Sr. d ca 1697 in London at the VA Library and a deposition by Henry
Connyers as shared by Brian Foote, as follows:
Will of Richard Foote [I], merchant, of London:
His personal estate to be divided into three parts according to the custom
of the City of London: one third to his wife Hester Foote (in full of his
personal estate except as elsewhere bequeathed to her); one third to be
divided among his five children Richard, George, Sarah,
Francis and Henry, the rest of his children (Samuel Foote and testator's
daughter Elizabeth Holmes) being already provided for; from the other third,
100 Pounds [money] to Samuel Foote. (It is not clear whether legacies below
also come from this last third.)
To Elizabeth Holmes 200 Pounds.
To Richard Foote 600 Pounds, and 3000 acres of land, part of testator's
lands in Virginia.
To George Foote 100 Pounds and 1000 acres of his land in Virginia.
To Francis Foote and Henry Foote 800 Pounds apiece at 21, and to each 1000
acres of his land in Virginia.
From legacies to Francis and Henry the executors may lay out up to 200
Pounds apiece to Apprentice them; interest on their legacies goes to their
mother for their upkeep.
To his grandson Topham Foote 200 Pounds, which his father Samuel Foote shall
put in trade for him till his majority; also 1500 acres of his land in

House of Lords Journal
Volume 17, 27 January 1703
The rest of his estate to his wife Hester Foote, who is named joint executor
with his son Samuel Foote.
Signed 19 March 1694. Witness James Stone, Richard Stracey, Ran. Stacey.
Probate London 23 April 1697 to Hester Foote, the other executor Samuel
Foote being dead.
P.A.B. identifies testator with the parish of St. Dunstan in the East,
London, perhaps his place of residence.
Virginia Colonial Records Project; Depository: Principal Probate
Registry; Class: Will--Register Books 73 PYNE; Title--Will of Richard Foote;
Dates--1697; References--Probate Act Book 1697, 64; This entry is on the
seventh folio, verso, and eighth folio, both sides of 73 PYNE.
(Copy of the original obtained from The Virginia Historical Society by Brian G. Foote).
 Looking up St. Dunstan's Hill toward the Church from Lower Thames St.
Stafford, VA.
" Henry Connyers aged about fifty years Deponent that on the Twenty Seventh
day of January in the year One Thousand Six Hundred & ninety eight he the
Said Deponent untomarried with Elizabeth Holmes who was the widow and relict
of Edmund Holmes of London Merchant which said Elizabeth was the daughter of
Richard Foote of Roadlane in London Merchant [I assume this is a transcription
error and should read "Rood Lane". See the 1746 London map that follows this
entry for locations of Rood Lane and St. Dunstan. Because of marriage records
of the Archbishop of Canterbury at London (1543 to 1869) we know that Samuel
Foote lived in the parish of St. Gabriel, Fenchurch when he married Arabella
Topham after the death of his first wife. AEF] and that about the year
One Thousand Six Hundred & ninety nine Richard Foote, son to the said Richard
Foote and brother to the said Elizabeth came to London from Virginia where
he had resided about twelve years being sent there by his father and upon
his coming to London was perfectly known by his mother Hester Foote, widow &
relict of the above said Richard Foote, as also by George Foote, Henry
Foote, Elizabeth, the wife of the said Deponent and Sarah Bradshaw, the wife
of Arthur Bradshaw, which Arthur Bradshaw was son to said Cornwell Bradshaw
and others his friends and relations to the same Richard Foote whome his
father Richard Foote sent to Virginia as aforesaid and that he was truly the
son of the said Richard Foote of London Merchant, and that the aforesaid
Hester Foote his mother in a small time after his arrival in London and as
he demanded the same, paid unto the said Richard Foote, her son the Lagesie
of Six Hundred pounds sterling left him by his father the aforesaid Richard
Foote, together with a considerable sum of money which belonged to him as
his dividend on part of the remaining part of his father's estate and this
deponent further saith that the said Richard Foote lived and resided about
twelve months at this deponent's house all which time as well as at all
other times his said mother Hester his brother George and brother Henry as
also his sister Elizabeth the wife of this deponent and also his sister
Sarah wife of the said Arthur Bradshaw aforesaid together with his other
relations and friends perfect know him to be the lawfull begotten son of
Richard Foote aforesaid Hester his wife and as such was from the time of his
birth known deeded taken and supported and acknowledged to be the undoubted
& lawfull son of the said Richard Foote of Roadlane in London Merchant as
aforesaid and this deponent further saith that upon setting and stating the
amount in the Books & Papers of the said Richard Foote father to the said
Richard Foote there appeared sundry & standing debts due to the said Richard
Foote the father to which the said Richard Foote the son, had right to his
dividend or child's part thereof when the said debts be removed for the
performing whereof the said Hester, who was the surviving executrix of the
said Richard dec'd obligated herself faithfully, justly, and truly to pay
& deliver unto the Said Richard her son, his just equal part of the said
outstanding debts in the Books as aforesaid when they would be Recorded and
Received of the sundry debtors and that in the year one thousand seven
hundred after the said Richard Foote had settled his concerns in the Books
of his father the said Richard Foote as far as he could, he bought and
purchased a cargo of goods and other merchandise to bring with him in to
Virginia and that about the time of February the Twenty Sixth in the year
One Thousand Seven Hundred he took his passage from for Virginia with Capt
John (Doner?) and this deponent further saith that he, this deponent
together with Sarah Bradshaw aforesaid went to the said Richard Foote on
board the said Capt (Doner?) ship then lying at Gravesend in the River
Thames and that this Deponent and the said Sarah accompanied the said
Richard from Gravesend in the said ship to the Downs from whence he
continued his voyage to Virginia, and this Deponent further saith that this
Deponent sent sundry and merchandise with and to the said Richard into
Virginia to be sold for the use of this Deponent and this Deponent further
saith that on or about the Twenty Seventh of January in the year One
Thousand Seven Hundred & Three this Deponent arrived and landed at the
Plantation of the said Richard Foote in St. Paul's Parish in Stafford
County-where Richard Foote his eldest Lawfull son now lives and resides
where he saw the Said Richard Foote and perfectly knew him to be the said
Richard Foote that was known Deemed taken & acknowledged when he was in
London to be the true lawfull and undoubted Son of the said Richard Foote of
London Merchant and Hester his wife and further this Deponent at present
Saith not.
Henry Connyers (/s/) At a court seat for Stafford County the ninth of April
1729 Henry Connyers said oath to the within Deposition which in the motion
of Richard Foote is admitted to record.. Other Notes on Deposition
document:"Connyer's Dep. Recorded Liber to Vol (103)"
"Deposition in relation to Ms Foote "
Punctuation copied as is-or lack of punctuation(Brian G. Foote)
. . . . .I do have good researched info on the Henry
Alexander Foote family of Bute Co., NC(later Warren Co., NC) and his wife
Margaret Colclough. Let me know what you are interested in. I descend from
Mary Foote daug of Henry & Margaret Foote. Mary Foote married Isaac
Marshall (Rev. War Soldier) on Jun 11, 1785 in Warren Co., NC. I have a
copy of the Marriage record from his Pension file(complete file from the
National Archives & complete War Record), which was certified by the clerk
of court at the time the copy was obtained.
I bought a copy of Chotankers, last December, and have enjoyed it very much.
God bless.
just an old Texas Gal.
/Gambel/Sinz & Gross
[Entries for 1689] "Licences at the Faculty Office", published 1889, p. 194
North of St. Dunstan's from Map of London, 1746, that includes Cross Lane and Rood Lane
[Foote/Foot Note: In May 2007, during a break in special student/faculty sessions at the annual D&AD association meeting on Lower Thames Street, sponsored by Adobe, Barclays, YAHOO, The Guardian, Channel 4 and others, I walked to St. Dunstan's by Cross Lane that can be easily traced on the above map. The 1746 map still provides the London visitor with an accurate guide to the perimeters of Church property. In an era of terrorism, the CCTV camera is set for good reason to monitor Church pilgrims and others footstepping Cross Lane to St. Dunstan's. Smile, but don't be bothered by the camera, because it is there to protect you and all anxious Londoners. When approaching St. Dunstan's, the only negative impression you should probably get is one of over-commercialization by a facial-rejuvenation business nearby. They have posted a "face-saving" notice on the main doors of the Church to help drive customer traffic to offices/treatment rooms. This was only few days after I had met several Harvard experts on the international internet at a filtering/hourglass conference at the Oxford Internet Institute. Oh let take you by the hand . . . . Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? Avon Edward "Eddie" Foote/Foot updated: 29 September 2010] |
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Chotankers: A Family History about the Foote/Foot family. Copies are in 40+ US libraries that include Iuka and Burnsville, Mississippi, and in the Windsor Library in England. The latter Library is near Windsor Castle and St. John the Baptist, the Windsor Parish Church, which is home to the bust of Topham Foote/Foot and the coat-of-arms of Foote/Foot family, whose Colonial America origins are in Chotank, Virginia.
Limited London will information for Richard Foote, Saint Dunstan's in the East, is in Peter Wilson Coldham's American Wills Proved in London, 1611-1775. Online Computer Library Center (OCLC), Dublin, Ohio, has more information in the WorldCat database. OCLC lists 159 world libraries with copies of the 1992 book.
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