"It was just the sort of thing you'd expect, once you've learned to expect it." Shelby Foote/Foot
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Foote/Foot-Stuart family & Robert E. Lee at Chotank
Burke's Peerage and Gentry announced in June 2003 that it was granting free access to a Foote/Foot-Stuart family article first published in March/April on-line magazine, ATAVUS, at Burke's. The article on Chotank Creek's Foote/Foot-Stuart family and their friendship with Robert E. Lee is "The Stuart Family of Virginia - Friends of Robert E. Lee, Famous Southern General". Publication coincided with release of new University Press of Mississippi book on Shelby Foote featuring C. Stuart Chapman's doctoral research at Boston University. Chapman himself draws on Avon Edward Foote's earlier research that the professor conducted at the University of Mississippi, Ohio State and at the University of Georgia. Foote's work is cited several times by Chapman in notes for "Chapter I, Roots" where he refers to Foote as "family historian". When challenged about his family history facts in a Greenwood bookstore signing event presented on C-SPAN in 2003, Chapman revealed that the first chapter of the book relied on sources and information provided by Shelby himself. The free access to the Foote/Foot-Stuart article, celebrating University Press of Mississippi book publication, expired at Burke's on 1 July 2003. Click for ATAVUS Managing Editor Anne Christie responding to Chotank's message on the topic -- "Sorry Charles it isn't George P. Bush", an article correction sent to Presidential historian and ATAVUS editor Charles Mosley about the November/December, 2002 issue.
OR JUMP TO Burke's Peerage right now: Burke's USA articles by Mosley, Foote and others in ATAVUS have been removed from online access. |
St. Mary Aldermary, an Anglican Church rebuilt in 1682, is on right side of photograph below showing part of London skyline east of St. Paul's Cathedral. Chotank presents a picture of the Church where Richard Foote (who was later a merchant of Rood Lane, London) held his church membership in 1650 when he married Hester Hayward, his master's daughter, after the death of his first wife. The Church burned in the Great Fire of 1666, but the present structure is on the same location not far from Bow Church. St. Mary Aldermary is said to be have been rebuilt to the original plans by Christopher Wren, whose father was Dean of Windsor. Wren is most famous for his design of the new St. Paul's in London. The original, digital photograph below was remotely zoomed, framed and snapped by this web developer from just outside Redstone Arsenal/George C. Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, using an Internet connection with the then-new, Financial Times web camera at FT.com, which was activated by JAVA applet. The image has been slightly enhanced. The other two spires are those of St. James Garlickhithe in foreground and St. Mary-le-Bow in middleground, both also Anglican. Londoners born within hearing of the Bow Bells of St. Mary-le-Bow were called "Cockney" up until the modern London city era.
 St. Mary Aldermary is Church on right side of London skyline
Glad to hear you like our webcam. We think it is pretty cool, too. I would encourage everyone who has not yet seen it to take a look.
Paul Maidment, London Financial Times
editor, FT.com
In posted message to Avon Edward Foote,
In 2006 to 2010, Paul Maidment was Executive Editor of Forbes
| |
Genealogy Information
You can order Chotankers: A Family History reprints by jumping to a secure server link for an electronic order form providing on-demand printing and shipment by Herald Printing, Florence, Alabama. The book fully explains the Footes' London and Virginia connections. 150 years after he arrived in Virginia, great-grandchildren of Richard Foote, son of Richard of Rood Lane, London, built Waverley in Prince William County, Virginia. Waverley was the planned site for Disney's America theme park, which Michael Eisner, Disney CEO, announced in 1993 and who ten years later ran from support of a new Peter Pan film, planned for a 25 December 2003 release, to benefit the Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children in London. The book order form will also get you a JAVA-based (no plug-ins or special downloads required), MultiMedia presentation about the book, complete with sound by the author, and a pop-up Table of Contents. More than 40 US libraries have copies of the book and the libraries list is here to assist users in arranging an interlibrary loan through their local public or university library if they want to review the book before buying it. To get personal history information for Foote - Gargis offspring go to: http://www.chotank.com/datamark.html or to: http://www.chotank.com/classes/endnotes.html.
For additional family history material, documenting the Footes' English origins, read email from a Texas correspondent. Located since the publication of the 1982 Foote family history, the Chotank on-line material includes information from the London Will of Richard Foote of Rood Lane, that identifies Topham Foote as his grandson. Foote is often spelled without the "e". But, creditable scholarly and governmental sources prove that the accepted legal spelling in Britain is "Topham Foote". A memorial to Topham Foote is in Windsor Parish Church, St. John the Baptist near Windsor Castle. Topham and rest of Foote / Foot family were honored in Windsor Parish Church during
HM The Queen's recent Golden Jubilee celebration that recognized her 50 years on the throne. A three-fold display board, "A Celebration of Jubilees", exhibited May 25 to June 30, 2002 in the Church, devoted one panel to Topham, his Church memorial, and his Chotank Creek Foote relatives. Regretfully, in the rush to prepare the exhibit in time for the Queen's Jubilee, Avon Edward Foote in US and Pamela Marson in England overlooked important new proof that Hester Hayward is the second wife of Richard Foote I.
"About, about! Search Windsor Castle, elves. Within and out. Strew good luck . . . ."
William Shakespeare |
Harwood's book Windsor Old and New in the Windsor Library in Berkshire, England says that Samuel Foote inherited Windsor property from his mother's family, and the book will help family history researchers establishing her identity. Therefore, the Harwood book, that this writer received by interlibrary loan from Yale University after a first reading at Windsor Library in England, helps clarify why both Samuel and his step-mother Hester were named executors on his father's estate. Also in the Windsor Library, Chotankers: A Family History announced in 1982 that Mississippi Governor and Senator Henry Stuart Foote, founding trustee in 1830 of North Alabama's LaGrange College, had written before his death in 1880 that Samuel, Topham's father, was buried at Windsor (Chotankers, page 281). (To search the Windsor Library in Bachelor's Acre: Go to Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead website, http://rbwm.spydus.co.uk, and put Chotankers in search term window after choosing a "title" search on pull down menu). The Windsor information on Samuel was first published in 1907 in Abram Foote's The Foote Family. According to Pamela Marson, editor of Windlesora headquartered in Windsor, Berkshire, Samuel Foote married Arabella Topham, "sister of Richard Topham, Member of Parliament for Windsor from 1698 to 1713 and keeper of the Records at the the Tower of London." Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stuart Foote's Nashville home (later called "Central Hall") is the only current Vanderbilt University building (now linked to Benson Science Hall) that predates the founding of the University. Chotankers is available also in the Vanderbilt University Library.
Arabella Topham Foote/Foot's relative -- Dr. Richard Mead whose home in London became Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children -- inherited the Samuel Foote/Foot property at Old Windsor**, which is still known as Tyle Place after its original owners. The Tyles' surname came from use of the property to make the type of Roman tiles similar to those in ancient Roman walls ruins in the UK, such as the remains of City of London wall at Moorgate. In 1991, Princess Diana became president of the Great Ormond Street Hospital that is historically associated with Mead. Margaret Gilson of Windsor has talked by phone to this web developer about her book on Old Windsor properties that includes updated information on the status of Tyle Place Farm situated between the Home Park and Windsor Great Park on the site where Roman burial remains were found in the 1860s.  |
House of Lords Journal
Volume 17, 27 January 1703
The Farm is now owned by the Crown. Mead, famous for writing The Mechanical Account of Poisons in 1702 with a second edition in 1708, became the owner of the Foote/Foot property after the deaths between 1692 and 1737 of (1) Samuel Foote/Foot; (2) Topham Foote/Foot -- Samuel's son; (3) Edward Topham and (4) Richard Topham -- Samuel's two brothers-in-law; (5) Arabella Topham Foote/Foot -- Samuel's wife; and (6) Thomas Reeve -- Arabella's second husband. Mead is credited with commissioning the bust of Topham Foote/Foot by Peter Scheemakers and having the monument placed in Windsor Parish Church. The monument declares incorrectly in Latin that Topham "is the last member of his family".
Left Margin Reads "Foot's Estate."
Page 270 from 3 & 4 January 1703
An ingrossed Bill, to enable Arabella Foot, Widow and
Administratrix (with the Will annexed) of Samuel Foot
late of London, Merchant, deceased, to purchase Lands
and Tenements, for the Benefit of his only Son Topham
Foot, an Infant, and to and for such other Uses, as the
personal Estate of the said Samuel Foot by his last Will
is limited and appointed, was read the Third time.
Resolved, That the Bill do pass; and that the Title be,
An Act to enable Arabella Foot to lay out Monies, belong-
ing to her Son Topham Foot, in Purchases of Lands, for
his Benefit.
Ordered, That Mr. Walpole do carry the Bill to the
Lords, and desire their Concurrence thereunto.
Journals of the House of Commons
Volume 14
From October the 20th, 1702
To March the 14th, 1704
Reign of Queen Anne
Re-printed by order of the House of Commons
April 2007 UPDATE on Research associated with Topham Foote/Foot: First item - - Dr. Avon Edward Foote can reveal that scholar of Roman mosaics in Britain is looking into Richard Topham's ownership of Clay Hall Farm. The researcher has been in touch with Dr. Foote for assistance and to share ideas about Richard Topham's will. She visited Eton several months ago to evaluate Richard Topham's Library Collection, that he left in his will to Eton College. British scholar's inquiries about Clay Hall Farm should add historical significance to Clay Hall and Tyle Place near Windsor Castle. The farms share in the history of "Romans in Britain" during 3rd and 4th century AD. Second item - - Dr. Foote has located a poem by Topham Foote in Topham's own hand. Discovery of the original manuscript was first announced to history scholars and researchers in a 1971 publication from Huntington Library. Although Dr. Foote had copied a book version of the poem in text from 1796, he happened upon the original document in Topham's hand quite by chance after a trip to Pasadena in 2005 when he visited several locales associated with Horton Foote/Foot's first enrollment in theatrical studies.
 Tower on right of photo is St. John the Baptist, Windsor Parish Church
To establish identities, brief biographic excerpts are
available from this section: (1) Avon
Edward Foote/Foot, PhD (2) Dorothy Gargis Foote/Foot, PhD.
Selected reprints of several genealogy publications for the Foote/Foot and Gargis families are linked on those pages. Foote/Foot family researchers may want to look at the 1994 FAX to Oscar-winner Horton Foote, that describes his kinship to Shelby Foote, gives some BrentTown, Virginia history, and looks at Clayhall Farm (also spelled Clay Hall during Queen Victoria's reign) that is now, more or less, considered a part of Shaw Farm in the Windsor Castle Home Park. Those with greatest interest in BrentTown will want to look at book, Chotankers. A link is provided on the Horton Foote/Foot FAX page to the Windsor Library on-line catalog in England so you may check the Library's entry on Chotankers, William Fitzhugh and his Chesapeake World, and Windsor Old and New if you are interested. The Gargis family is of French Protestant heritage, originally spelled Garrigues or Garrigus. The Matthias Garrigues who entered the British colonies in North America by way of Charleston in the 1700's is most certainly one of the American ancestors of this family.
You can read the August 4, 2001 story in the Washington Post metro section announcing agreement to keep Richard Foote/Foot's Cedar Grove plantation on Chotank Creek in its current condition forever. Private, state and federal sources are putting up $1,500,000 to protect Richard Foote/Foot's Chotank land in King George County, Virginia from encroachment by developers, preserving an important Bald Eagle habitat. Internet access to Washington Post archives requires payment after free registration at current news homepage to get "Heeding the Call of the Wild on Northern Neck".
Or, without registration or payment, take the following link to a different article with several excellent pictures of the Foote land along Chotank Creek from the The Trust for Public Land. After the story in the Washington Post Jim Nash, current owner of Foote/Foot's Cedar Grove, wrote this author of Chotankers, who also is the Chotank.com web developer/producer, saying in his personal note, "I wanted you to be the first to know."
Recently, Potomac fisherman have claimed to see old tombstones in "The Chotank". The article with excellent observations about current fishing conditions and boating access to Chotank Creek is available here by clicking now.
Dr. Richard Stuart inherited Foote's Cedar Grove in King George County, Virginia, from his mother, Sarah Foote/Foot Stuart. The Foote - Stuart descendants entertained Robert E. Lee and family at Cedar Grove many times and were visited at their summer home in King George County by John Wilkes Booth after his assassination of President Lincoln. CHOTANKERS - The book has few details on the Booth visit but incorrectly puts Booth at Cedar Grove on the Potomac River rather than at the summer home that is several miles inland. Burke's Peerage and Gentry published in 2003 an article -- discussed earlier on this page -- about the Robert E. Lee and the Foote/Foot - Stuart family friendship with Lee that helps clear up the history on the Booth request for Dr. Stuart's help. Henry Stuart Foote/Foot, whose home became a part of Vanderbilt University in Nashville when it was founded, is related to both families. Henry Stuart Foote/Foot created a genealogical summary of the Foote/Foots before 1880, probably at his Nashville home, and it is reprinted in Chotankers, p. 281, in Appendix I. In the record on Samuel Foote/Foot, Henry wrote "SAMUEL, b. Jan. 25, 1659-60; d. Mar. 27, 1697; buried at Windsor." Of George Foote/Foot, Henry wrote, "Moved to So. Carolina and d. there." Both Avon Edward Foote/Foot and Shelby Foote/Foot traced their ancestry to George Foote/Foot of Chester County, South Carolina. George is one of three sons of George Foote/Foot and Frances Berryman Foote/Foot of BrentTown in Virginia, who also had three daughters. One of son George's sisters was named Frances after her mother. As with with the brother, Frances the daughter lived in South Carolina, where she married Samuel Savage after death of her second husband. The couple had one child, named Samuel after his father. The son migrated to Florence, Alabama and Henry Stuart Foote/Foot put this first cousin of Gilson Foote on the Foote/Foot family tree. Newly elected President Andrew Jackson identifies Savage as his friend in a letter to John Coffee from 19 March 1829. The letter appears in a 2007 volume of Jackson's correspondence released by The University of Tennessee Press, Knoxville. You can find more on the Savage family and embarassment of Gilson Foote's hanging in Edgefield, South Carolina at una.html.
History of the Chotank.com website as a BBC Networking Club project has been moved. Click here to jump to new page of Chotank.com website history, 1995 to 2008.
The original, 1994-1995 E-mail
addresses (efoote@unaalpha.una.edu and a.foote@bbcnc.org.uk) were changed in 1996 to:
![[Map of UK showing BBC regions]](/images/mapbbc.gif)
Copyright (c) 1995 -- 2011,
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